Updated theme

Now that WordPress 4.4 is out, I’ve decided to refresh my theme. I played around with twentysixteen and I am quite impressed. By itself it’s a very understated “blog” theme – but this makes it perfect for customization and extension. You can do this through either the built in WordPress tools or through a custom child theme. An evening of design and development later, I have a nice child theme which captures the look and feel I want.

While in its default appearance twentysixteen doesn’t look like much, a little bit of customizations can get you a very flexible and functional theme with just the right personality.

Yes it’s a “new” look…

Per Design got a bit of a refresh recently. The theme is bog-standard Twentytwelve…but with some customizations thanks to child-theme support and the amazing plugin ecosystem WordPress supports. I swear there’s nothing WordPress – with the right theme and the right plugins – can’t do. No wait…it can’t be as difficult to style as SharePoint!