October means constent leaf pickup

So living in Michigan, I’ve now learned that October means constant leaf pickup. I guess I could wait until it all finishes dropping but I would like my lawn to get some decent sunlight and growing prior to it snowing. At any rate, it’s good exercise and the kids are pretty helpful as well.

Doings as of early July 2013

So here’s a bit of a status update on everything that’s going on recently:

I own a house – or really I’m on the way to own a house, the bank owns it and I slowly buy it from them. It has a great yard with some really terrible moles that are doing their best to ruin it. Go away moles!

Work has been crazy busy – we’re starting to utilize WordPress at work and I am amazed at how powerful and flexible a platform it is. Client wants some feature and a day later after some research and testing, yup – “we can do that.” Love it!

Designing and developing custom SharePoint MasterPages – I can now make SharePoint less “SharePointy”. But thank heavens for jQuery or else there would be no point in even trying. Clients really like having their custom branded SharePoint that doesn’t look like out-of-the-box SharePoint.

Finishing up some freelance projects – my availability is starting to open up.

The kids are doing well – the oldest is starting to read. The youngest is trying to catch up (and is cute as ever).

And the summer weather, while a bit hot recently, is just wonderful.