Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July to everyone. Over 200 years ago, a bunch of stubborn and independent-minded colonists gave the mother nation the shove-off, not out of ingratitude, but out of the belief that every man should be able to have a voice in government through duly elected representatives. People have died and continue to die for this troublesome idea. People risk their lives to give freedom an opportunity in lands where freedom was only a choice between which hill to let your goats graze on. Freedom never was and never will be free. It comes with a price, yet is always worth it. Thank you to those who have helped pay the price.
Now to something less serious but definitely fun: I love fireworks. I’ll be setting off some fair amount this weekend. So stay safe, have fun, and let Freedom ring! Poor Utah doesn’t have Bottle Rockets, Roman Candles or even Saturn Missle Batteries. What a shame. Not even Little Bees. Something to do with “firehazard.”